Some musicians just can’t help but be inspired by everything! Everywhere they look, they see a little something that triggers musical thoughts, every song they hear pushes them to pick up a guitar or sit down at that piano and craft something of their own. Steve Lewis is one of those guys and - a few times during this interview - you’ll hear me compare his latest release, Exit to Mystery, with the experience of going through an old forgotten box of records, or maybe flipping around the car radio in search of something to tap the steering wheel to.
The new record features a little bit of everything: there’s chunky rock and roll, a few country-tinged tracks, some threads of gospel and even a tip of the cap to modern pop. Through it all, however, it’s all Steve Lewis; whoever Steve Lewis chooses to be on that song, at least.

Our conversation explores how the pandemic gave him the time he finally needed to get the album he’d been hoping to produce done. We also discuss a few key tracks and look at the future. If you’re a musical maverick, someone who doesn’t mind going through that proverbial box of records and throwing what looks good on the turntable, then stay tuned and consider exploring Steve Lewis’, Exit to Mystery.