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Listen to This: Tracy Bonham - "Whether You Fall"

New Single Hints Toward a Larger Project in the Future

90s alt-screamer (but, so much more) Tracy Bonham has released a new single titled, "Whether You Fall" It's a long one (6:04), but the initial piano chords invite and welcome you to stretch out and melt into the organically jazzy groove that Bonham initially provides; the warmth of the song's acoustic upright bass ought to pull you right in and lull you into a sweet state before the song's bombastic finish arrives.

It's been many years since "Mother, Mother" hammered the airwaves, but Bonham's vocals have lost none of the adventurous dexterity that made her music stand out from the pack in the first place, her trademark dynamism and unique prosody are in fine form. Bonham's message is that it's not whether you fall, or not (because you will), it's whether - or not - you get up (which you ought to...c'mon, brush yourself off...take my hand).

Tracy Bonham In Front of a White Wall

The song's arrangement is lush and welcoming, no doubt carefully orchestrated by the multi-instrumentalist herself. Punctuated throughout the track are delicate instrumental breaks which highlight her classical chops and the influence that it has long had on her work. Add in the lonely weep of Bonham's violin and an intimately mic'd piano for further drama and you've got the makings of a stellar tune and presentation.

Earlier in the year, Bonham released another track, "Damn the Sky," a thematic cousin to this new track: things will get tough, but forge forward anyway. The advice is sage and coming from Bonham, it presents itself as sincere and well-meaning. Both songs are echoes of events in her personal live over the last few years: a cancer diagnosis and a divorce. More about those parts of the story can be found at a recent People Magazine feature.

I spoke to Tracy in 2021 about the children's album she had just released (Young Maestros, Vol. 1). Tracy is busy assembling a new album to add to her catalog which I hope will give me the chance to talk with her again.

Tracy goes on tour this summer.

Tracy Bonham in front of a brick wall containing tour dates


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